
Striking the Perfect Harmony of Opulence and Comfort in Luxury Bedding.

Brand Identity Design, Competitor Analysis, Research

Who is Atluxe?

Atluxe is a luxury blanket company that offers a variety of sizes, colors, and styles of ultra-soft blankets made from high-quality materials. They also offer a selection of throw pillows, bedding, and other home textiles for a complete bedding experience. All products are made with attention to quality and craftsmanship.


Market Research and Analysis:
I conducted research and competitive analysis to get a clearer understanding of what structure other bedding organizations had set up, pairing that with an understanding of luxury and looking for an effective means to fuse both findings.

Brand identity and communication:
I crafted a distinctive and unforgettable mark that embodies luxury and comfort while also conveying a welcoming concept. I also developed a core set of visual elements, including a color palette, typography, and other unique elements that augment the logo mark.

Brand guideline:
I compiled comprehensive brand guidelines outlining logo usage, colour codes, typography guidelines, and design principles to ensure consistent application across all media and colllaterals.

The Logo
The Atluxe “A” is their muse, the face of the brand.

The image and the strong word mark are it's most recognizable brand assets.